4:1 Cho:Prot Post Workout Smoothie

4:1 Cho:Prot Post Workout Smoothie : INGREDIENTS:
- 25g FUTURELIFE® HIGH PROTEIN Smart Food™ (7.5g Prot, 9g CHO, Energy 365kJ)
- 1 Banana (27g CHO, 440kJ)
- 1 tablespoon honey (17.3g CHO, 267kJ)
- 1 tablespoon peanut butter (3.9g Prot, 3.5g CHO,394 kJ)
- ½ cup of Full Cream milk (6.4g CHO, 3.95 Prot, 305.5kJ)
Serves 1
- Blend all the ingredients together until smooth.
- Enjoy after a hard workout as a meal or recovery drink after a high intensity race!